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About Me

Although I'm not keen on writing self-descriptions, here goes :

I'm a 24 y.o. film student from Bordeaux and currently living in Paris.

After obtaining my diploma in engineering, I joined EICAR for 3 years of studies in filmmaking, and I am currently one third of the way.

I have had many amazing opportunities in the past, including the month-long internship in a production company in Los Angeles, or the chance to work with Bruno Aveillan and Arnaud Roth on the set of one of the former's movies, as part of the production design team.

I'm trying to develop as many skills as possible, and over the years have dabbled in production, editing, costume designing, lighting... As well as the obvious filmmaking, writing or production designing.

As a side hobby, I'm also quite interested in the world of voice acting, and am trying to give it more time.

I hope what you see on this website will inspire you,

Thank you for reading,



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